Coconut Grove: A State of Mind

STOP Grove Gridlock Campaign

Historic & Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB), Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) and City of Miami Officials

COCONUT GROVE NEEDS YOU: BE A B.I.G. VOICE advocating for the climate resilience of our coastal community and protect the Historic Preservation Overlay District of the Villa Woodbine site.

Join B.I.G., VOTE NO! DENY approval of Carrollton’s proposed elementary school for 336 boys and 50 faculty at VILLA WOODBINE located at 2167 South Bayshore Drive. The site is located less than 150 yards from Ransom Everglades Middle School and directly across the street from KENNEDY PARK.

STOP Grove Gridlock! This an unnecessary development, since there are 17 schools located in Coconut Grove serving over 6700 students when the Grove has approximately an area that is 5 square miles and 21,000 residents.

The impact to the City of Miami’s neighborhoods is even greater traffic bottlenecks that will impose an immense burden on our quality of life, with gridlock causing increased pollution and toxic traffic fumes, and the loss of our most personal measurable resource, our time and money. Especially for the residents of Coconut Grove – where school traffic congestion is already crippling.

Removing EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) of its existing 220 trees stated in Carrollton’s survey and arborist report will destroy Villa Woodbine’s mature and lush tree canopy, green space and the site’s protected historic and natural resources. The footprint SF of new construction will be 8 times larger than the Villa, and will add over 104,000 SF of non-pervious surface. These factors pose a grave hazard to the resilience of an already delicate coastal corridor area and will likely create flooding of surrounding properties.

Approving a new school at the historic Villa Woodbine property at 2167 S Bayshore Drive poses risks to the City of Miami that we cannot afford!

Comments (556)

Erik Lavandeira 03.12.2019 at 02:07
There is too much traffic in coconut grove. I love nature and trees and I think that historic sites are important. There is already way too much traffic in the grove so we need to fix it.
Gala Kavachnina 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Save our beautiful lush Coconut Grove! No more over building & no more traffic!
Vote No to a school at Villa Woodbine!!!
Barry Burak 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am against the building of another school in our neighborhood.
Save our trees!!!!
I vote no!!!!!!!!!!
Alfonso velasco 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No cutting trees, don’t think we Coconut grove residents need more traffic. There are plenty of schools already, we don’t need more.
A Fons 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The Grove does not need another school- why don’t they build it in an area which needs it, has the right infrastructure and would welcome it. There is already to much traffic in the Grove.
Camille Gonzalez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I was born and raised in Miami, FL. Please do not allow this development to happen. Part of what makes the Grove so appealing and special is being surrounded by all the beautiful trees and plants (most of which are native to the area). By destroying this area, you are not only making the Grove uglier, but you are also adding more traffic to the area - and traffic is already an issue as it is. Traffic is not only frustrating to be in, not only unappealing to look at, but also is a public health and safety concern. With more traffic comes more pollution, more accidents, and more injuries among pedestrians. Keep the Grove natural. Keep the Grove beautiful. Keep the Grove people-friendly. Do not move forward with this development!
Arturo Vidal 03.12.2019 at 02:07
There are already way too many schools per area and per residents in the grove. We are already carrying a heavy weight from nearby brickell and coral gables in terms of traffic for schools.
Edmund Aramayo 03.12.2019 at 02:07
This school, if allowed will have a negative effect on the property values especially on Tigertail and Bayshore Drive
Glenn Patron 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Too much traffic in the area. It is residential not commercial.A definate quality of life issue when you include tree removal
Gracie Recio 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I lived on Edgewater drive and recently moved. My daughter goes to Immaculata LaSalle High School. Too much traffic as it is. Let’s not make it any more un are able than it already is.
Debbie Conway 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Miami has grown vertically in the last 20 years with no consideration to horizontal movement. I'm sure the school has a good argument to build and provide excellent education but traffic is already too intensely unmanageable for the city or community to endure. If and when public transportation is put into place and widely used (70-80% of the population) then maybe the topic could be readdressed. Until then Miami and it's municipal representatives need to be mindful of all members of the community and it's stress levels (particularly traffic) focusing on traffic and transportation improvement.
Axel Peralta 03.12.2019 at 02:07
That will destroy access to Kennedy Park. There's barely parking now and with a school across from it you wouldn't have access to it.
Robert Rico 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The Grove does not need another school. We can not have additional traffic increases. It would hurt local business and commute for locals and visitors.

Teresa Hinkel 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Way to many schools in our 5 mile radius already. This has to stop, let alone horrendous environmental impact on us all. STOP!
Vanessa Todevski 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Do not destroy another historic property! It is a shame to cut down the trees just in order to build . We already have enough construction in the Grove.
Petra Christie 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Please don’t sell and over develop the Grove. There are already too many mansions in small lots, destroying the feel of the Grove
Nat Benson 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Destroy a beautiful piece of nature for a for-profit school? Disgusting. You should feel ashamed of yourselves
Luz Maria Gutierrez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We dont need more traffic on Bayshore Drive. Its already very slow during peak hours. Our life is becoming more and more difgicult because of too much trafgic congestion.
Rosa Maria Almenara 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No more traffic in our residential neighborhoods please. S Bayshore will turn into a US .
Let's save what is left of Coconut Grove!
Paula Marie 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We don't need another school in this area. This is a historic landmark and a historic area. Let's preserve our beautiful burrow for as long as we can. There just isn't another place like this in all of Southern Florida.
Ruth Days & Family 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We're avoiding the walk into town more and more because of the loss of shaded walks into town and the dnagerous and dramatic increase in the density and speed of the traffic. What is NOT needed is another school adding to the already gridlocked area. Idling vehicles will absolutely increase the pollution/fumes. We are a small community trying to save the last few remnants of our history and environment from the long arm of the developers. Not In Our Neighborhood. We beg the Hisotic & Environmental Preservation Board, Planning, Zoning & Appears Board and the City of Miami Officials to listen to the citizens of The Grove and not to the Developers that are quickly destroying the ambience of our town.
Elisabeth Weinpel 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic makes it impossible to pull out of the driveway..and never mind trying to turn right. Have to time walking on Tigertail or to Kennedy Park around traffic times.
Karen Wacker 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No! We do not need another private school and the traffic. The residents have to deal with rush hour traffic and school traffic now and it is a mess
Sven Stumbauer 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No more schools in our neighborhood - this is becoming ridiculous- Ranson on Tigertail is causing a daily traffic nightmare on Tigertail Avenue making it impossible to enter leave my house. The off duty PD officer that “regulates” traffic is generally useless. As far as I am concerned Tigertail Avenue and surrounding streets should be closed to transient traffic - all grove residents pay some of the highest property taxes around here - so no more schools / public or private and no more transient traffic. My kid cannot even use his bicycle on Tigertail Avenue.
Amy Kaufman 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Stop! No need to build a school in an overcrowded location that will only bring trouble to everyone including students parents staff
Connie Sol 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No to the gridlock. It’s bumper to bumper on Bayshore starting at 7am, it’s the same in Tigertail at 7:30am and come 5pm. When Ransom let’s out It’s gridlock on Tigertail between 2:30-3:30.
Blanca Quiroga Pérez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Don’t approve the construction of another school.
STOP been part of the destruction of our environment.
Elizabeth Gibson 03.12.2019 at 02:07
This idea is beyond ridiculous. The traffic is already horrible this should not be approved. Please vote against approval. We already have too many private schools in our neighborhood. Too many people speeding on narrow streets poses a danger to our residents
Jen 03.12.2019 at 02:07
There is no need to destroy such a beautiful property in order for an all girls school to capitalize on the male market.
Dr Mark Mueller 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Enough schools in Coconut Group. We are becoming Manhattan South - we need to maintain the green areas of the Grove!!!
Gabriela Guerra 03.12.2019 at 02:07
There is no need for a private school to expand... Not only is it a girl’s only school but also a very expensive school that many people are unable to afford...
Charles B Patrick 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The traffic on South Bayshore Drive is unbearable now. Adding another private school for the children of wealthy suburbanites is unnecessary. If you drive on South Bayshore Drive during the afternoon you will see 3 or 4 large yellow school buses backed up to the entrance to Ransom Everglades Middle School. No one seems to be around to open the gate for the turn around so the buses just pile up and completely block traffic going south. Build the school somewhere else. I am sure the owners can afford to do so.
Blanca Lopez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic is absolutely horrible as is. This project would not only increase but cripple our access avenues. Also, the effect on the environment would be detrimental.
Michelle S Burak 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We need to preserve our beautiful neighborhood.
The congestion is an issue now, I couldn’t imagine what it would be with another school.
It is Unthinkable to me all the trees we would lose.
Behna Gardner 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We are completely opposed to turning Villa Woodbine into a school. We in the Grove need to protect our canopy, we definitely can’t accommodate the extra traffic and problems associated with another school on Bayshore Drive. The traffic on 17th Avenue is already terrible. Has anyone thought through the consequences of a school on top of the problems we already have. Please protect the residents of the Grove and vote no on the school petition.
Samir Amadeo 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Time to STOP the over development madness that exists in Miami. Keep the Grove save and protect our unique community
Jean Anne Davis 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The conversion of Viila Woodbine into a private school is an unwarranted and unnecessary burden on our community
Soraia Valladares 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Another school in the Grove??
Traffic already impossible, why all these schools here?
Makes no sense, not to mention the loss of trees.
The Grove is special, let’s keep it that way!
No to this school!
Nancy Benouaich 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am against another school.
Too much traffic on Tigertail Avenue in th morning.
The intersection of Tigertail and 22 Avenue is too busy already.
Erik Wagner 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I live near this proposed build and we do not need any more traffic in the area. The streets are already over run with traffic. Enough.
Carmen Pelaez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Where does it end? How much traffic can the grove endure? Enough of the overdevelopment of Coconut Grove.
Douglas Torborg 03.12.2019 at 02:07
On 17 May 2019 our Mayor stood in front of the Playhouse on live TV telling us why he vetoed the Playhouse and said he would protect historical houses in Miami. The Playhouse is not a house so I believe he indicated he would protect all historical property in Miami.
Yvette Bustamante 03.12.2019 at 02:07
This will be a guaranteed nightmare!!!!!!!! For the sake of our sanity, do not build this here. Traffic is already a headache everyday.
Alexandra Cardoso 03.12.2019 at 02:07
This school can be built in so many other areas in south Florida. There is NO need for this school to be built in an already overdeveloped, congested area of the Grove.
David weiner 03.12.2019 at 02:07
This school will be bad for the neighborhood. The streets cannot and will not be able to accommodate the extra traffic.
Michael Bond 03.12.2019 at 02:07
NO. I live in the Grove and traffic to and from is bad enough! Too many cars speeding through our streets , is enough!
William W. Pickett 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We are opposed to any more developments such as major schools and other high traffic commercial developments in the the Coconut Grove area.
Luis Antonio DeArmero 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We are losing the Grove!!! With more students comes more electric scooters, more accidents and less of the Grove for residents!
Allan Kleer 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I go regularly to the Grove to shop & dine. This school will create a massive amount of traffic and is too much development for the neighborhood. Please stop this ridiculous development, it will damage the uniqueness and character of the neighborhood!
R David Butler 03.12.2019 at 02:07
For over twenty years my husband and I avoid walking or leaving our home because of the gridlock, exhaust fumes and blowing horns from parents/housekeepers waiting to pick up Ransom kids - this proposal for more cars and endless noise is unacceptable. Ransom promised to correct the traffic problem with their latest construction project, but those were empty promises.
STOP Grove Gridlock Campaign
  • Petition to
    STOP Grove Gridlock
  • Location
    USA, Florida, Coconut Grove
  • Petition ends
    Petition closed. 2021-12-01
  • 1820Supporters
    36.4% reached 5,000

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Petition closed.


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Bayshore in Grove is a 501c3, Non-Profit organization dedicated to the advocacy of smart growth strategies critical for climate resilience and for maintaining the unique sense of place that encourages the Coconut Grove “State of Mind”.

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Contact us

Bayshore In Grove

2455, South Bayshore Drive 33133

(786) 498-9388