Coconut Grove: A State of Mind

STOP Grove Gridlock Campaign

Historic & Environmental Preservation Board (HEPB), Planning, Zoning & Appeals Board (PZAB) and City of Miami Officials

COCONUT GROVE NEEDS YOU: BE A B.I.G. VOICE advocating for the climate resilience of our coastal community and protect the Historic Preservation Overlay District of the Villa Woodbine site.

Join B.I.G., VOTE NO! DENY approval of Carrollton’s proposed elementary school for 336 boys and 50 faculty at VILLA WOODBINE located at 2167 South Bayshore Drive. The site is located less than 150 yards from Ransom Everglades Middle School and directly across the street from KENNEDY PARK.

STOP Grove Gridlock! This an unnecessary development, since there are 17 schools located in Coconut Grove serving over 6700 students when the Grove has approximately an area that is 5 square miles and 21,000 residents.

The impact to the City of Miami’s neighborhoods is even greater traffic bottlenecks that will impose an immense burden on our quality of life, with gridlock causing increased pollution and toxic traffic fumes, and the loss of our most personal measurable resource, our time and money. Especially for the residents of Coconut Grove – where school traffic congestion is already crippling.

Removing EIGHTY PERCENT (80%) of its existing 220 trees stated in Carrollton’s survey and arborist report will destroy Villa Woodbine’s mature and lush tree canopy, green space and the site’s protected historic and natural resources. The footprint SF of new construction will be 8 times larger than the Villa, and will add over 104,000 SF of non-pervious surface. These factors pose a grave hazard to the resilience of an already delicate coastal corridor area and will likely create flooding of surrounding properties.

Approving a new school at the historic Villa Woodbine property at 2167 S Bayshore Drive poses risks to the City of Miami that we cannot afford!

Comments (556)

ARIANNA KAUFMAN 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The current chaotic traffic situation will obviously be worse. Tree canopy will diminish with all implications. The residents of Coconut Grove and other areas cannot lose parking places at Kennedy Park, a public park.
CLAUDIA KAUFMAN 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The project needs to be blocked. The traffic would be more chaotic than currently is, the tree canopy that we all very much appreciate in the Grove would suffer an important loss as well as the climate consequences it would bring. Parking at Kennedy park should be available to all residents and taxpayers, it should not be leased to any organization. The area should be kept residential and Villa Woodbine should be residential too or keep the current use.
Deon Mandelstam 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I live in the Grove. There are literally five schools within walking distance from my house. Randsom, Carrolton, St. Hughes, Coconut Grove elementary, and another I don’t know the name of. And actually a couple more. We need another school like we need a hole in the head. What we need is to protect the trees, and the natural beauty of this area. That is the only reason it is special.
Robert Porter 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No more "Greedocracy"
Monica Roelandse 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic in the grove is already a nightmare. The residential area can’t handle more. And the loss of all those trees... just no!
fabian garcia diaz 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Great community effort ! I'm proud of my Grove friends
Anneke Schnell 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No more schools in the Grove. Traffic is already heavy due to all the existing the schools. This new school will cause terrible grid lock in the entire area. The resident’s daily life will be affected.
Daniela Bianco Batlles 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The question is What will be the environmental cost of building a new school in this area? A new private school that will serve people that live outside the Grove.
The answer is simple: More traffic, increase pollution and destruction of natural resources and green space.
Fleta A Stamen 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am against the conversion of villa woodbine to a private school. Nothing new should be allowed in coconut grove until the city of miami institutes remedies to the excessive traffic congestion, lack of parking, building construction that is incompatible with the neighborhood (commercial and residential). To date, the city of Miami has totally disregarded its constituents.
Eileen Appelrouth Farr 03.12.2019 at 02:07
NO NO and NO!!
lisa better 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The roads are already congested. Please consider the residents in Coconut Grove who live in the neighborhood.
Irene warner 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We do not need the traffic or another school
Congestion is already terrible and we do not need schools and greedy commissioners
Elena Carpenter 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We must protect our historical institutions, like Villa Woodvine, and those that want commercial intrusions into single family neighborhoods. There are already 17 schools in the Grove- do we need yet another one to cater to Pinecrest, South Miami, Coral Gables, Key Biscayne and others, that will render the streets of Coconut Grove undrivable for the benefit of others outside our community ? I don’t think so.
Carrolton is a great school, they just need to find another place.
Amanda Calderon 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I may not be a resident of the area but I drive through here every day on my way to work and back home. It's already a mess trying to make your way through this area. There's already plenty of other schools in the area, no need for another.
Dawn Martinez 03.12.2019 at 02:07
the traffic and gridlock is too much to deal with!
Nadine Johnson 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am opposed to opening another school in Coconut Grove! The traffic is already horrible.
Carol Romine Hawks 03.12.2019 at 02:07
There is truly no need for another school here in the Grove. Enough traffic , enough schools , enough disturbance and environmental destruction......
Gail Scott 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No on the school.
Thierry Desormeaux 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Enough is enough ! Traffic is crazy on South Bayshore drive already, so I vote NO. Plenty off schools
Dan Moskovitz 03.12.2019 at 02:07
NO school

no Gridlock
Arlene Assalone 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Sandra Buigues 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic is already horrible due to the amount of schools in the Grove. NO to another school!
Mercedes grossmann 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Enough schools !! Too much traffic already !! Please dont make Historic coconut grove into a main highway !! Please do not ruin coconut grove taking its beautiful landscape and houses . Miami has been devastated by construction and We need to take care and keep at least the historic side Of the citi !!
Ricardo Rodrigues 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am against the proposed Carlton School location.
Karim Antoni 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic is already awful
Lisa Treister 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic congestion has become a major problem, especially in Coconut Grove. Schools bring more cars and more gridlock. Our two-lane roads were not built for large volumes of traffic. Also, stop placing more classrooms in quiet, residential neighborhoods. Find a location where commerical uses already exist and can accommodate the additional traffic. But NOT next to our homes.
Barry Burak 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I am totally opposed to another school in our beautiful neighborhood. Traffic is already a very big issue. The destruction of so many trees is shameful.
I strongly oppose this school!
Lesley Tobin 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Ransom Everglades blocks Tigertail Avenue to thru traffic. S. Bayshore is the only way to get home during the 7:00am and 3:00 pm.
Another private school at the Villa Woodbine location is untenable.
Sandy Mielke 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I live in the part of "North Grove" that was formerly the Town of Silver Bluff - which was illegally annexed by the City of Miami in 1925. This new project is a continuation of the degradation of our community - destroying the very lifestyle which attracted us here. Perhaps, it's time to revive the secession movement!
Sandy Mielke 03.12.2019 at 02:07
For more than 50 years, we have lived in the part of the "North Grove" that was formerly known as the town of Silver Bluff - which was illegally annexed by the City of Miami in 1925. This new project is yet another example of the degradation of the our community by greedy developers, eroding the residential environment and lifestyle which originally attracted us. Hey, City of Miami: maybe it's time we revived our secessionist movement!
JOAN L GOLDSAND 03.12.2019 at 02:07
no more schools causing immense gridlock in this area..we are being overrun with schools causing major traffic jams
Peter Smalley 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The craziest Grove development plan yet! No to school, no to removal of trees!!
Fernando Lacabanne 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I drive to Coconut Grove every day. The traffic is imposible. I don't shop there anymore. The merchants. are loosing business , I don't understand why they want to built a school and add more pressure in a sensitive and unique area of Miami !!
Michiel Segeren 03.12.2019 at 02:07
UNSAFE!!! Every morning and afternoon cars are speeding through secondary streets and running stop signs trying to avoid traffic on Bayshore and Tigertail. People bought home on these streets because that was exactly what they’re trying to avoid. Pretty soon someone; probably a child, is going to get hit by one of these cars. It’s more than just an inconvenience, it’s going to be dangerous.
Richard Fortson 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Traffic has become intolerable! Please stop!!!
Mona Adams 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Enough! We are exhausted from all the traffic. Please stop this development.
Sally Richardson 03.12.2019 at 02:07
All it takes is seeing the long lines of backed up traffic when Ransom Everglades starts or lets out to know that this additional school is a really bad idea. It is incompatible with the neighborhood, and the traffic problems cannot be resolved. It's time to try to protect the last vesages of the Grove of the grove.
Daniel Diaz 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Clearly is an ambitious protect of trying to gain market share of the current student Population from rival nearby schools, We clearly don’t need another one, in fact some existing one are not completing their capacity.
If this ridiculous protect is a go by our City then I will request approval to open up a Gas Station in my corner of S. Bayshore dr and 17 ave with a window for cafecitos.
Eva Junco 03.12.2019 at 02:07
No to turning Villa Woodbine Into an all-boys school (or any school for that matter)! Let’s preserve this beautiful property! No more school traffic in the Grove! We have enough!
Sheila Boyce 03.12.2019 at 02:07
We have enough congestion in the Grove. Adding this school is irresponsible. Do not approve the school.
Thomas Boyce 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The Grove doesn’t need another school to clog up our roads. We already have gridlock during rush hours. Please do not approve the school.
Gabriel Garcia 03.12.2019 at 02:07
If a school is out there traffic would be unbearable and over 100 trees would be destroyed. We must prevent this school from being built at all costs!
Isaac orteg 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Please do not let Villa Woodvine disappear. Do not build a school in this area since it will increase traffic to this neighborhood. Traffic is already a nightmare and this would make it even worst.
Pamela Leja-Katsaris 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Stop the destruction of Coconut Grove. We do not need ANY more development of any kind, let alone another school. There is no benefit to the community, and this will once again only benefit the greedy developers.
Lilly Lee 03.12.2019 at 02:07
The essence of the Grove is being destroyed by traffic jams and unruly drivers — we can’t as a community support another middle school.
Trina Tejeda 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Grove traffic is already terrible- please vote no to building a school Villa Woodbine!!!! I spend all day driving to meet with my clients and can tell you that the congestion is already unbearable. And the building keeps going on and on with more towers in Coconut Grove
carmen Duque de Estrada 03.12.2019 at 02:07
Our neighborhood DO NOT need more schools either public or private, we have more than enough good schools in the area; we DO NOT need to increase dangerous traffic in our streets; what we the neighbors need so much is to increase and preserve the canopy we already have, so that our children have the opportunity to grow up in a healthy and beautiful place.
Gavin 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I dont appreciate the cutting down trees and the traffic it takes long enough as it is to get to school and a new school would lock up traffic please sign to stop this madness
Gavin 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I dont appreciate the cutting down trees and the traffic it takes long enough as it is to get to school and a new school would lock up traffic please sign to stop this madness
Eli sims 03.12.2019 at 02:07
I do not like traffic. Nope nope nope, not one bit. The gridlock is very annoying and adds extra time to my commute home from school.
STOP Grove Gridlock Campaign
  • Petition to
    STOP Grove Gridlock
  • Location
    USA, Florida, Coconut Grove
  • Petition ends
    Petition closed. 2021-12-01
  • 1820Supporters
    36.4% reached 5,000

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Petition closed.


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Bayshore in Grove is a 501c3, Non-Profit organization dedicated to the advocacy of smart growth strategies critical for climate resilience and for maintaining the unique sense of place that encourages the Coconut Grove “State of Mind”.

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Bayshore In Grove

2455, South Bayshore Drive 33133

(786) 498-9388